Devil Wears Prada was a very funny and easy read. Although Andrea has no desire to work in fashion, publishing or otherwise, she takes the job as Editor-in-Chief Miranda Priestly’s junior assistant after being assured that, after a year of service, she can pretty much secure any job she wants in the city. Miranda Priestly is human evil incarnate: she forgets Andrea's name, forces her to make two trips to Starbucks in a single morning, and never once compliments her on her clothes. On one level this is a straightforward revenge novel, but on a deeper one it's really about the ice-water shock of leaving college and getting a real job. Andrea as a character is interesting and easy to relate to as she struggles to both fit into a world she is a stranger to and keep her sanity.
Andrea chronicles the abuse she suffers from her boss and the shallowness and egocentrism of the fashion industry. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for sheer entertainment.
# posted by Zette Remi @ 11:54 PM