Monday, June 19, 2006
A Wedding In December – Anita Shreve (Beachy)

The book is about a school reunion (sort of). A group of friends, who spent their school days at Kidd Academy, share a weekend at an inn in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts. The seven former classmates have gathered for the wedding of two of their number - Bill and Bridget. Nora, the Inn owner who is also one of the seven is playing the hostess to their wedding. All these years later, the combination wedding-reunion is still shadowed by the premature death of one of the friends: Nora’s high school boyfriend, Stephen, who died before graduation. Agnes is now a teacher at the prep school. Agnes is writing a novel based around the explosion during World War I. The book also has her story intertwined with this novel. I personally did not enjoy that bit. I would have enjoyed the book even more if the book did not contain the “installments” of a historical fiction story that Agnes is writing. Harrison has entered the publishing world in Toronto, but marriage and two boys he adores have not extinguished the flame that still burns in his heart for Nora. This is one part of the book that left a bad after taste for me. The book almost makes adultery seem “okay” (you’ll understand what I mean when you read this book).
Overall, I enjoyed reading the book. I am glad I waited for the paperback because 20$ seems unreasonable for this book. I recommend this book if you have time to kill at the airport or if you are chilling at a beach resort because it does not involve any thinking.